About Founder

A college that looks a hundred years into the future and raises talents for the next thousand years

Daejeon Health Institute of Technology

Ki-Seok RHEE MD. Ph.D,
The Founder

Daejeon Health Institute of Technology (HIT) was created with a view to raising sincere and healthy talented individuals who will lead the current era with a focus on philanthropy.
HIT wants to foster a warm-hearted person who devotes himself or herself to people's health and happiness, a person of endurance who ceaselessly move forward toward a grand goal, and a passionate person who puts in endless efforts in inquiry with a view to raising his or her value with dyed-in-wool professionalism.
HIT's educational philosophy includes philanthropy, diligence, and inquiry, because the college lays out a great vision for raising such warm-hearted and passionate persons with endurance. With its vision and ideals flowering and fruiting, HIT has for the last 40 or so years raised brilliant individuals who will lead the 21st century as a powerful prestigious college that spearheads the era of no-holds-barred competition.
One talented individual can change a millennium for a country. HIT does not stop at the present but moves forward endlessly into its next hundred years. Thus, HIT continues its sustained effort in laying the cornerstone for raising talents for the next thousand years for the health and happiness of humankind. Thank you.

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